Émulateur Dolphin

Dolphin est un émulateur pour deux récentes consoles de jeu de Nintendo : la GameCube et la Wii. Il permet aux joueurs sur PC d'apprécier les jeux réalisés pour ces deux consoles en full HD (1080p) avec différentes améliorations : compatibilité avec tous les contrôleurs de PC, vitesse turbo, jeu en ligne en réseau, et bien plus encore !

Télécharger Dolphin 5.0-21460 pour Windows, Mac ou Linux »

Derniers articles

Dolphin Progress Report Tenth Anniversary Special: February, March, and April 2024

In late 2012, Dolphin moved to a brand new website - dolphin-emu.org. With complete control of our own home and infrastructure for the first time, we noticed the accessibility to users that it gave us. Not only did we get a new home, but we also got a platform, one that allowed us to communicate directly to our users! We used it to great effect, explaining big changes to the emulator such as tev_fixes_new, getting ahead of controversy when we removed the popular D3D9 graphics backend, calling …

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Dolphin Progress Report: November and December 2023, January 2024

With the conclusion of the holiday season, it's time for us at the blog to get back to work. And this time around, we have a smattering of changes covering just about everything you could imagine. For those looking to enjoy some of the latest homebrew with DSP-HLE, Dolphin now has support for the latest homebrew microcodes! For retail games, we also have a minor update to the Zelda-HLE microcode to fix a missing effect that's long overdue.

In some more important news, for those of you having disk space issues when …

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Dolphin Progress Report: August, September, and October 2023

This past October, Dolphin turned 20 years old since its initial release to the public as an experimental GameCube emulator. It's been a long ride, with twists and turns. I don't know if anyone back in 2003 expected Dolphin not only to still be under active development 20 years later, but to also support the GameCube's successor in the Wii.

You might be wondering, where is all the pageantry? The honest truth is that things aren't ready yet. We have a few massive changes on the horizon that we wanted to be …

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